My baseball career is going downhill, but 50 billion Hyunjin Ryu is relaxed even if he doesn’t sign a free agent contract

 ‘Korean Monster’ Ryu Hyun-jin (37) has entered the new year, but has not yet decided on his future path. There are two major paths that Ryu Hyun-jin can choose. How to extend her tenure in the major leagues and her return to the country.

However, looking at the major league market situation, it is increasingly likely that Ryu Hyun-jin will remain on the American stage. Semi-level starting pitchers on the free agent market are receiving treatment that exceeds expectations. The Boston Red Sox invested $38.5 million (approximately KRW 50.5 billion) over two years in Lucas Giolito, who hit 41 home runs, the most in the American League last year, and the New York Mets invested Luis Se, who had an ERA (6.65) in the 6-point range last year. Berino was paid a huge sum of $13 million (about 17.1 billion won) per year. In addition, the former ace, whose baseball career was on a downward slope, also won a contract worth close to 50 billion won with Hanwha, so Ryu Hyun-jin is also in a position to wait for ‘good news’. 카지노사이트랭크

The official Major League Baseball website ( announced the signing of veteran left-handed pitcher Chris Sale with the Atlanta Braves on the 5th (Korean time).

‘’ reported, “Atlanta and Sale have agreed to a two-year contract extension worth $38 million (approximately 49.9 billion won).” According to the contract details of both sides, Sale will receive an annual salary of $16 million (about 21 billion won) in 2024 and $22 million (about 28.9 billion won) in 2025, and there is a club option worth $18 million (about 23.6 billion won) in annual salary in 2026. Also included.

Sale made his major league debut in 2010 at the age of 21 wearing a Chicago White Sox uniform. Sale, who announced the birth of a star by pitching 192 innings and recording 17 wins, 8 losses, and an ERA of 3.05 in 2012, went 11 wins, 14 losses, and an ERA of 3.07 in 214⅓ innings in 2013, 12 wins, 4 losses, and an ERA of 2.17 in 174 innings in 2014, and 208⅔ innings in 2015. He went on to win with 13 wins, 11 losses, and an average ERA of 3.41, and 17 wins, 10 losses, and an average ERA of 3.34 in 226⅔ innings in 2016.

The White Sox traded Sale to the Boston Red Sox in December 2016. The condition was to receive four players, including Michael Kopec, Yoan Moncada, Luis Basabe, and Victor Diaz, in exchange for Sale.

Sale established himself as Boston’s ace in 2017 by recording 214 ⅓ innings and 308 strikeouts, the most in the American League, with 17 wins, 8 losses, and an ERA of 2.90. In 2018, Sale, who pitched 158 innings and recorded 12 wins, 4 losses, and an ERA of 2.11, also led Boston to a World Series victory that year.

Boston signed a five-year, $145 million (approximately KRW 190.2 billion) contract extension with Sale in March 2019, and coincidentally, Sale’s downhill slope began at this time. Sale was unable to show ace-level pitching while suffering from various injuries, and in 2019, he recorded 147⅓ innings, 6 wins, 11 losses, and an ERA of 4.40, in 2021, 42⅔ innings, 5 wins, 1 loss, and an ERA of 3.16, and in 2022, 5⅔ innings, 1 loss, and an ERA of 3.18. Last year, he pitched 102⅔ innings and had to be satisfied with 6 wins, 5 losses, and an ERA of 4.30.

Sale underwent Tommy John surgery in 2020 and was sidelined in 2022 after suffering fractured ribs and a fractured right wrist. He also had the unfortunate experience of getting injured while riding a bicycle.

However, Atlanta now assesses that Sale is free from the ghost of injury. ‘’ emphasized, “What is important is that Atlanta is confident that Sale has resolved his injury-related issues,” and Atlanta President Alex Anthopoulos expressed confidence in Sale’s physical condition, saying, “This is Sale’s first normal offseason in a long time.” He said he had a . At the same time, President Anthopoulos also revealed that he plans to manage the game carefully, saying, “But at the same time, Sale only played 100 innings last year, so we will keep that in mind.” ‘’ also reported, “Atlanta will closely monitor Sale’s innings. They plan to put him in the starting rotation early in the season.”

This year, Atlanta is expected to build a starting pitching lineup that includes Sale, Max Fried, Spencer Strider, Charlie Morton, and Bryce Elder. ‘’ said, “With Morton nearing retirement and Freed becoming a free agent after this season, securing Sale for at least one more year will reduce the burden on the club next winter.” He explained why he signed a two-year contract with.

In fact, Atlanta is not a losing business either. Atlanta acquired Sale through a trade with Boston on December 31 last year. This also included the condition that Boston subsidize the annual salary of $17 million (about 22.3 billion won). Therefore, Atlanta can utilize the sale for $21 million (about 27.6 billion won) over two years.

In any case, it is surprising that Sale, who has not played anything special over the past five seasons, receives $38 million over two years. This is good news for the starting pitchers still remaining in the free agent market. One of them, Ryu Hyun-jin, can’t help but smile.

Ryu Hyun-jin also underwent Tommy John surgery in 2022 and returned to the major league stage in August of last year. Ryu Hyun-jin, who appeared in 11 games after his return, pitched 52 innings and announced a successful comeback with 3 wins, 3 losses, and an ERA of 3.46. He is still being mentioned as a semi-level free agent starting pitcher that many clubs would target. Will Ryu Hyun-jin be able to receive more generous treatment than expected and remain in the major league?

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