The heat that was hot even in bad weather
The Kids World Cup, hosted by Bucheon FC1995 (owner, Bucheon Mayor Cho Yong-ik, hereinafter referred to as Bucheon), ended successfully.
On Sunday, November 5, the 2023 Bucheon FC1995 Kids World Cup for children’s soccer dreamers was held at Bucheon Northern Water Resources Ecological Park. The Kids World Cup, which marks its fourth anniversary this year, is a Bucheon FC Cup soccer tournament for children’s soccer dreamers, and became popular with 22 teams participating, more than double the number of participants last year.
It was a bad weather with rain on the day of the tournament, but the heat of the tournament was hot due to the heated matches of 196 children’s soccer players and the support of parents.
The competition was divided into the first and second grades and the third and fourth grades. In the first and second grades, “Inyu Seo-gu” won, Lee Hyung-seok (Inyu Seo-gu) was selected as the MVP, and Jung Ji-hoo (FC B.K) was selected as the MVP as “FC B.K.” won the third and fourth grades.
In particular, FC B.K, the winner of the 3rd and 4th grades, belongs to the child of CEO Kim Hyun-soo of Bucheon’s official sponsor “Moto Car Wash”, and Kim Hyun-soo visited the stadium to add hot support and show his affection for soccer.
The story of Sindo Elementary FC, which meets the conditions for participation that all children who love soccer can participate, also drew attention. Unlike other participating teams, Sindo Elementary FC is a team of children who literally love soccer and gather on the field without professional coaches and uniforms. In this situation, he showed his passion by reaching the semifinals.
Meanwhile, Kim Sung-nam, head of Bucheon FC 1995, said, “Through this Kids World Cup, I could feel the passion of children who love soccer. Bucheon FC will also make a lot of effort to help children continue to love and enjoy soccer and grow into wonderful soccer talents.”I expressed my feelings about the competition,” he said.